Goodman Gas Furnace service call

Coconut Shell Based Activated Carbon - A Real Alternate for Coal Based Heating

There are several disadvantages by the usage of coal in the domestic and industrial sector. Carbon dioxide is released by the burning of coal, a greenhouse gas which causes major global warming and climate change. It also creates respiratory problems to human beings.

Improve Your Indoor Air Quality and Breathe Easier

If you live in a big city then it is more than likely that you might be constantly surrounded by pollution. Two major contributors of this pollution, dust and smoke have become our constant companions and surround us no matter what part of the city we find ourselves in. But would you believe that the air inside your house or work of place might be even worse than the air from the outside environment? Sounds impossible, right?

Understanding Infrared Heaters

Infrared heaters work on infrared light-this is light that you can't see with your eyes as it's beyond the eye's spectrum. You get warm from the infrared light as your skin and clothes are able to absorb the light and transfer the heat to the body. The heaters have hot coils that are wrapped over the heat source in order for the heat to be transferred evenly. The heat is usually reflected by a polished metal thus it extends over a long distance creating a gentle, comfortable source of warmth.

7 Benefits of the Ductless Air Conditioning System

Ductless air conditioners are a practical choice for keeping your home comfortable. They can be ideal for small spaces, and are easy to use. Check out other reasons for choosing a ductless system.

Is Air Conditioning a Luxury?

Air conditioning units have been categorized as a standard amenity over the years. But is it still a luxury to have one?


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